Monday, September 5, 2011

iphone - App - week 8

Application Statement:

Our Group deside to do recreate Days Matter and call it Icount. What id does it counts down toward holidays, birthdays and different events. I wanted to create something user friendly, but with a creative edge. I have six samples to show off my work and the idea of Icount.
Anyone can change their Icount create it to match thier own unquie style.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

App Ideas - research drawings

Here are a few drawing of the Icons and the cell phone.

 I am not sure about the interface of the cell and I am still think about that one.

Phone App - Days Matter - Research

Here is a little reseach on Days Matter for an Iphone App.
  1. Days Matter:
  2. World History App:
  3. Countdown:
  4. BIG Day - Event Countdown:
    Ok found different Apps that is something like Day Matter. You got World History App that take you back to in time of date or year when it happens. Then there is the Countdown and BIG DAY Countdown, kind of like Day Matters Countdown.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Reading Response, Chapter 10 & 11 - FINALLY

Ok I am going to start with Chapter 11 about Cascading Style Sheets, aka CSS Style. Which I loved learning to use CSS styles alot more then I liked learning about TABLES, Javascript and PHP. I believe CSS is much easier to use and to understand too. I like the fact out I am able to move things around and tight it can be without the using tables. Tables always leaved things broken or... what is the word I am looking for... Not sure, but I didn't like how it looks on the net. CSS is much more cleaner and smooth to look at it.

I got to re-read chapter 10, I forgot what that one is about.

OH YEAH! FAQs on a site! When you go into a site you want to go hunt for something your searching for right away. If you get lost on the first page and not sure what to do or where to go, no one is going stay along and end up going else where.

If I wasn't friends with these ladies; I would keep visiting there site. I even asked to redo it too, but they are not allow to let anyone touch it. Sad too; but when I first visit there site, I had a hard time searching when the classes started and the locations. I finally had to email them to get the info: I have always found sort of confusing to look at, I always go straight to the search option. I don't want to waste my time searching throughout the site when I just want to check something out. Metro is a site I get lost in ALL THE TIME!! trying to see what bus is going where and what time, I normal give up lookm then call them for help or end up driving or getting a ride in where I got to go. Although Metro is very well inform when snow hits Seattle, it is all over the site where to go and what routes are not going.

Friday, August 26, 2011

App Ideas - research Ideas

1. idea - One of my ideas is to a hiking app. Looks like there is already one out there and it looks really cook!!


My other Idea is to find an app that allow the touch phones to last alot longer then 38 hours. I am a hiker and if I am in the woods, I need call for help my cell deads. Then again, there is no signal in the woods either... there could be an app for that too. So far I haven't seen nothing like that one then net.

All the have is info how to make it battery last:

But is just "HOW TO" make it last. Trust me it helps, but not really.


We kind buy stuff for it, but no app. :( Sooo yeah! NOW to draw this out.

I thought about Hunting for ghost towns has an app too, but turning my research I figure it was stupid and didn't keep on it. So I like the hiking, the more battery life and the signal boost app Idea.

Lord Jenson - redo

Monday, August 22, 2011

App ideas

If I was to create an Adventure App for a touch phone - not sure if there is an app out there for this, but here ya go.

  • App for Road trips -
    • if you on the road and come across an old town
      • what is the history?
      • what is around the old town
  • App for campers or Hikers -
    • the site you want to go is full and you didn't book it in time
      • where can ya go?
  • App long las battery or signel -
    • I am planning on a month long hike. If need my phone for some reason, I  need the battery to last and the signal to reach.
I think everyone can get the idea is adventure App - YA

Reading Response - Chapter 8 & 9 - FINALLY

This chapter is about pull down menus. I was talking to my co-worker that I use to go NUTSO over pull down menus. My 3 years old profilio - which is not alive anymore - use to have pull down menus for different topics of my profilio; such as logos, fliers, bookmarkers, and etc. Then I was told that too many pull down menus was to much and to use hyper link instead.

Also when I first got into this field working on my AA-S degree. EVERYTHING was cool and exciting! I use everything that was cool -including to much of Flash. I would ask my old prof why my site too so long to upload and it was the Flash. I was told you can use a FLASH throughout the a site or recreate a site out of flash. But no ones said how slow it would slow down the page.

Sometime, too much and you just got to turn it down a little. I think my personal from too much pull down - which I still love them - and the flash, just don't drown the site too much where people are not going to use it.

For example: take a look at this site - yes is Sean Astin - but the top left corner of the site, use to be the WHOLE site until use fans told him it was too much or slow our computers down. Who ever is design the site has gone alot better too.
I like the header!

Wasn't able to find anything with TOO much pull down menus.

 Chapter 9 - Reading:

Testing a site, when I was build or design anything! I am also asking for everyones input what I am working on. It would be a website, flyer or a simple logo. I am always testing something with someone - because to me it could look like crap or it good look good. Some else that isn't me, will have another opinnion on what i am doing.

I think testing on others is a great idea, not sure sure if I would test out in group,but then again if I ask my friend on Facebook, I guess what would be a group. When testing I think its better to get one at a time to look at this site. Then it would with a whole group, most people are to nervce to talk infront of people to search there Ideas. So if you get 3 or 4 people and get them in one at a time people are more relax and they do not feel "timed" or "rushed". Plus there input are more stronger then fighting with everyone else ideas.

When everyone is done with thier input of the design, if there is anything to fix - fix it right away. Then test again, right before lunching the site - sort of last minute proofreading.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 4 - Reading Response FINALLY

Week 4; Chapter 7

     Is about the home page! This is the mission statment to what the site is all about for anyone to stay and visit more often. The hierarchy, has be give an overview of the site before going to any other pages. Also the search, most sites need a search box to find things on the site. Not all, only site you are shopping for items to buy.
     If the site is to complex to accomplish, sometimes the simples sites wont work either. Home page is being able to put enough information without getting lost in the mess. Make the navigation (menu) option unique...
    Also it talked about using drop down menus to direct to different pages. Sometimes designs kind of get care way.

Week 3 - Reading Response - Finally!

Week 3 is about Chapter 6:
     YEAH! This chapter is soo right, if I cannot find something I wont go back to it. Making labels on the site would help much better like driving on I-5, if the signs are updated. Where to go from tacoma to Bellevue, if you need gas or food on the way up. You will notice the signs on side of the freeway telling you when the next exit will be food, gas or both. This is how a site show be to able to search what your looking for and visit often to get more what you need.

project lavender - drawnings - coming soon!

I will be posting tomorrow before 2pm, some drawning of the new site of This should be fun! I love drawing, it is so relaxing and I understand it!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

project Lavender - group

Creative Brief

  1. Colors: Purple and Gold
  2. Style: Less loyal "queenly" and more knightly / royal king look
  3. Very unique toward the Lavender Audience 
    1. everyone has the purple color all over the place. We wanted to add more gold onto the site.
Target Audience:
  1. Mainly toward teenage to older woman.
  2. The design would like to target more man
    1. Where there are women there are men. - Idea for the single men.
  1. mainly used in perfumes’, bathroom projects
  2. Also used to burn has herb or oils; which brings relaxing, love, peace, happiness, and protection.
  3. Also used in Aromatherapy.
  4. Pet Products - it helps with fleas.
Key Benefits:
  1. Reason to a new design- to enjoy looking at the site, where you will want to go visit the farm and gather some lavender.
Support Statement / reasons:
  1. Bring the site out of the "80's" and into the present. You can still look royal in the NOW!
  1. Powerfully
  2. protective
  3. relax
  4. hero
  5. romantic vibe
  6. how lavender should be honored
  1. Website

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

project lavender
We are redesigning this site:
  1. There is more dislikes then there is likes.

  1. logo on the side big and visiable to see it.
  2. roll-over lavender icons are nice
  1. Roll over are nice, but the don't awhile work.
  2. "Contact" has an email icon and not a lavender rollover
  3. Logo doesn't go throught out the site only the front page.
  4. page "Growing Lavender" moves down a bit.

this one is about a design name Lavender Lime. She designs book and patterns on Blankets.

  1. the layout is cute
  2. nice slide show on front page

  1. All pages do not have information on it.
    1. like Class/Club
    2. don't really know what Bernina means
found this site at

The "goto" Bottons are on the side panel below the logo. I has to really find the bottons and they are hyperlinks.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Week 2 Reading Respone - Finally!

Week to is on Chapter 3, 4 and 5:

Chapter 3:
     Their are 5 important things to do to make sure the users are reading and understand, while they scan the page.
  1. Create a clear visual hierarchy on each page
  2. take Advantage of Conventions
  3. Break pages up into clearly defined area
  4. make it obvious what's clickalbe
  5. Minimize noise
To Create a clear visual hierarchy, is to create a page that is easy to grasp in a hurry. Make sure that the appearance of the page is clearly portray, relationshop between the things on the page. Clear hierarchy have 3 traits: The bolder and big the font is more important then the font that is very, very tiny. Now, if your group the font together, like a menu bar that defined that area. Things are "nested" visually to show what part is what, such has "nesting" paragraphic together in sections sort of like how a newspaper is places in sections.

Chapter 4:
     Using to many clicks for the menu to get to one page is annoying. I have been on Adobe's website in the past where I cannot find the "student" menu. Too me it took me days, so I can see what the the prices for software. I got so annoyed not able to find I end up calling Adobe. Since then I notice its very visible for users like me.

Chapter 5:
     It is best not to ramble on a website, its the best way to have users not visits the site. Also don't use happy chit chat in the site too. Just use Welcome and a sort brief info about this on welcome page.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Design Honeysuckle Studios

What my personal mission is too, design a much simpler and soft look to my portfolio. Right now if you visit it is ok, but is not ok.... I am not sure how to put into words. If you view it, ignore the grammer and spelling. I do have an editor that is going to help me with my new design.

Hi Fi

Not sure if this will be my final mockup. I am not liking the portfolio idea, but I do like the Sample/idea 1 better.

Sample 1
Sample 2



 Home Idea 1


 Home idea 2

Lo fi version

 Home Sample 1
Home sample 2

Gallarey Idea

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Creative Brief

Honeysuckle Studios Freelance Graphic Web Design - Creative Brief

Target Audiences
  1. New Businesses Owner, who is just starting out
  2. Current Business Owner Looking for a new look
  1. New / Old Business on a tight budget
  2. Doing own business taxes
  3. Lawyer suites
  4. Manage my own business budget
  5. business management for others
  1. Working with low budget or no money
  2. Traveling to meetings
  3. Creative a package deals for new businesses at different levels
  4. Selected own hours
  5. Check Business email
Key Benefit:
  1. Setting my own hours
  2. Working for myself
  3. Work at home
  4. Helping businesses to get a start
  5. Cost is the number one key
Support Statement
  1. Be able to provide good and quality customer service
  2. Create custom graphic design to fit their personal business
  3. Design at a reasonable cost

Friday, July 22, 2011

3 inspiring/influential portfolio websites

    this is my mentor Rob Carlos's website. He has been a big influential in my create life. 
    Here is another one that I love very much. Their Knock on the Door is a great story I enjoy to watch. I even have the book on my alter.
    This is my girlfriend's Website about her store she runs on 6th av in Tacoma, She has been in business for about 7 years now.

Week 1 Reading Response- FINALLY

Week 1 READ:

Intro, Chapter 1 and 2

     basically what I understand, its teaching us younger designers to create sample designs. Its not "rocket surgery" has Steve Krug's to build a site or is there is a wrong way in building one too. Most people are not able to afford to hire web consultants, they look for someone that will fit their budget. There is alot of web designers that don't have no commens since to build it simple. My opinnion most of the time it is the client.

Do not bad mounth poorly design sites, because you can learn what "not" do with a poorly design. Most of these book is about e-commerce site, but with this tools you can use for any kind of a site.

Chapter 1:
     Is not make me think to hard about what I am looking for onto a site. Which I agree with this chapter, if I am looking for something, I want to go straight to the "link" and not search for it. I notice the logo, look for the menu choises, and images and such. Also I look at the site if it is easy to look at and not OMG!! get me off of this site now! So chapter 1, is something I already do. I was going to show you the first site I saw that I went OMG! too.. but it looks like someone finally got around in made it better.

Chapter 2:
     Not everyone views a website differently, in order to design a web page are three facts to you. We don't read pages, we scan them. We are always in a hurry, and most don't read a site at all. We look for key words and if we don't find it, we look else where. We know we don't have to read everything too, and then lastly we are good a scanning. We can newspapers, magazine and other things helps us figure out if we are interested in reading more of it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Week 2 - Mood Board and Style Sheet

Style Sheet
I got Mood Broad and Style Sheet mixed up. This is why my Mood board is not up here at all.

Mood Boards