Monday, August 1, 2011

Week 2 Reading Respone - Finally!

Week to is on Chapter 3, 4 and 5:

Chapter 3:
     Their are 5 important things to do to make sure the users are reading and understand, while they scan the page.
  1. Create a clear visual hierarchy on each page
  2. take Advantage of Conventions
  3. Break pages up into clearly defined area
  4. make it obvious what's clickalbe
  5. Minimize noise
To Create a clear visual hierarchy, is to create a page that is easy to grasp in a hurry. Make sure that the appearance of the page is clearly portray, relationshop between the things on the page. Clear hierarchy have 3 traits: The bolder and big the font is more important then the font that is very, very tiny. Now, if your group the font together, like a menu bar that defined that area. Things are "nested" visually to show what part is what, such has "nesting" paragraphic together in sections sort of like how a newspaper is places in sections.

Chapter 4:
     Using to many clicks for the menu to get to one page is annoying. I have been on Adobe's website in the past where I cannot find the "student" menu. Too me it took me days, so I can see what the the prices for software. I got so annoyed not able to find I end up calling Adobe. Since then I notice its very visible for users like me.

Chapter 5:
     It is best not to ramble on a website, its the best way to have users not visits the site. Also don't use happy chit chat in the site too. Just use Welcome and a sort brief info about this on welcome page.

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