Monday, August 22, 2011

Reading Response - Chapter 8 & 9 - FINALLY

This chapter is about pull down menus. I was talking to my co-worker that I use to go NUTSO over pull down menus. My 3 years old profilio - which is not alive anymore - use to have pull down menus for different topics of my profilio; such as logos, fliers, bookmarkers, and etc. Then I was told that too many pull down menus was to much and to use hyper link instead.

Also when I first got into this field working on my AA-S degree. EVERYTHING was cool and exciting! I use everything that was cool -including to much of Flash. I would ask my old prof why my site too so long to upload and it was the Flash. I was told you can use a FLASH throughout the a site or recreate a site out of flash. But no ones said how slow it would slow down the page.

Sometime, too much and you just got to turn it down a little. I think my personal from too much pull down - which I still love them - and the flash, just don't drown the site too much where people are not going to use it.

For example: take a look at this site - yes is Sean Astin - but the top left corner of the site, use to be the WHOLE site until use fans told him it was too much or slow our computers down. Who ever is design the site has gone alot better too.
I like the header!

Wasn't able to find anything with TOO much pull down menus.

 Chapter 9 - Reading:

Testing a site, when I was build or design anything! I am also asking for everyones input what I am working on. It would be a website, flyer or a simple logo. I am always testing something with someone - because to me it could look like crap or it good look good. Some else that isn't me, will have another opinnion on what i am doing.

I think testing on others is a great idea, not sure sure if I would test out in group,but then again if I ask my friend on Facebook, I guess what would be a group. When testing I think its better to get one at a time to look at this site. Then it would with a whole group, most people are to nervce to talk infront of people to search there Ideas. So if you get 3 or 4 people and get them in one at a time people are more relax and they do not feel "timed" or "rushed". Plus there input are more stronger then fighting with everyone else ideas.

When everyone is done with thier input of the design, if there is anything to fix - fix it right away. Then test again, right before lunching the site - sort of last minute proofreading.

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